Executor’s Oath – Swear or Affirm Executor’s Oath for Probate Applications

What is an Executor’s Oath?

An executor’s oath is a legal statement sworn by an executor to confirm their commitment to administering the deceased’s estate according to the law and the terms of the will.

Why Might You Need It?

  • To apply for probate and legally manage the estate of a deceased individual
  • To confirm your role and responsibilities as an executor
  • To comply with legal requirements before handling estate affairs

Legal Implications of Not Having This Document

  • Delay in obtaining a Grant of Probate
  • Inability to legally distribute the estate
  • Risk of legal disputes if the estate is managed improperly

Step-by-Step Process for Swearing or Affirming an Executor’s Oath


Request a Quote

Provide details of your case via our request form.


Quote & Requirements

We will send you a personalised quote and outline additional requirements.


Appointment Booking

We will schedule an appointment with our solicitor to administer the oath.


Oath Swearing or Affirmation

The executor will swear or affirm their oath in front of our solicitor.

Important Note:
For this document, we provide in-person witnessing services. The individual must be present before us for the process to be completed.
Apostille Solutions works with a solicitor firm based in South London. If your service requires in-person attendance, you will need to travel to South London for an appointment.

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