Legal Services Quote
Legal Services Quote
Check what format is required for your document to be legalised and whether or not solicitor certification is required.
Your UK birth certificate can be legalised but only in the format of your original UK birth certificate or a certified copy from either the General Register Office (GRO) or the local register office.
It must be sent to us as the original physical copy.
Solicitor Certification is NOT required.
Your UK death certificate can be legalised but only in the format of your original UK death certificate or a certified copy from either the General Register Office (GRO) or the local register office.
It must be sent to us as the original physical copy.
Solicitor Certification is NOT required.
Only the original document can be legalised that has a wet ink signature of an ACRO Officer.
It must be sent to us as the original physical copy.
Solicitor Certification is NOT required.
The original certificate that has been signed by a Companies House official can be legalised.
If it is not signed or you want a photocopy/scanned copy to be legalised you will need a solicitor to certify the document.
Solicitor Certification CAN BE required.
Your UK civil partnership certificate can be legalised but only in the format of your original UK civil partnership certificate or a certified copy from either the General Register Office (GRO) or the local register office.
It must be sent to us as the original physical copy.
Solicitor Certification is NOT required.
Your UK marriage certificate can be legalised but only in the format of your original UK marriage certificate or a certified copy from either the General Register Office (GRO) or the local register office.
It must be sent to us as the original physical copy.
Solicitor Certification is NOT required.
Only your original Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) document without a signature from an official of the issuing authority is acceptable for legalisation.
Solicitor Certification is ALWAYS required.
The original document or a photocopy of the document is accepted.
Solicitor Certification is ALWAYS required.
(The client may choose to certify a photocopy instead of the original if they do not wish the original to get marked by the solicitor).
Only the original document issued by the local register office can be legalised and it must have the wet ink signature of the registrar.
It must be sent to us as the original physical copy.
Solicitor Certification is NOT required.
Your certificate of naturalisation can be both an original copy or a photocopy.
Solicitor Certification is ALWAYS required.
The original certificate that has been signed by a Companies House official can be legalised.
Or if it is not signed or you want a photocopy/scanned copy to be legalised you will need a solicitor to certify the document.
Solicitor Certification CAN BE required.
Your original doctors note or medical document must be signed by the named doctor (The doctor must be registered with the General Medical Council).
The document must have the wet signature of the Doctor to be accepted for legalisation.
Solicitor Certification is NOT required.
Your UK adoption certificate can be legalised but only in the format of your original UK adoption certificate or a certified copy from either the General Register Office (GRO) or the local register office.
It must be sent to us as the original physical copy.
Solicitor Certification is NOT required.
You will require the original change of name deed that has been produced by a council or court, signed with an original wet ink signature by a council or court official for it to be legalised without solicitor certification needed.
If it is not been signed by a council or court official or it is a photocopy, it will require solicitor certification.
Solicitor Certification MAY BE required.