Civil Partnership Certificate

How To Legalise A Civil Partnership Certificate

The legalisation process in the UK involves affixing an apostille (certificate) to a public document. Legalisation serves as official confirmation that the signature, stamp, or seal on the document is authentic. 

Documents can be legalised if they are required to be recognised by an international foreign body.

One of the public documents that you can ask to legalise in the UK is a civil partnership certificate.

We are here to help you legalise your civil partnership certificate.

What Is A Civil Partnership Certificate?

A civil partnership is a legal union similar to marriage but is purely a legal process. People in a civil partnership can choose to have a ceremony afterward, but it’s not necessary. If a civil partnership happens in a place important to religion and the religion agrees to recognize it (for same-sex couples), the ceremony can have religious parts. However, the civil partnership itself is still considered a legal arrangement, even if the ceremony has religious bits.

You can obtain your civil partnership certificate in two ways:

  • Online Application
  • In-Person Application.

We recommend the first one.

Civil Partnership Certificate Legalisation

Suppose you need an apostille for your civil partnership certificate in the UK. In that case, you require an official certification confirming the authenticity of your civil partnership certificate for use abroad. An apostille is a specific type of authentication that ensures your document will be recognized and accepted in countries that are part of the Hague Apostille Convention.

You typically need the original certificate or its certified copy to obtain an apostille for your UK civil partnership certificate.

You may have heard that two different apostille kinds exist:

  • Paper-based – you must mail your paperwork (or present them in person while registering the business)
  • “E-Apostille” – You can upload documents as PDF files that a UK notary or solicitor has digitally signed to obtain an electronic apostille.

But notice that civil partnership certificates issued by the General Register Office are not eligible for an e-Apostille.

Also, note that legalisation of a civil partnership certificate is possible with an apostille because the UK is a signatory to The Convention of 1961 that abolished the requirement of legalisation for foreign public documents.

It’s important to note that the process and requirements may vary, so it’s advisable to check with the appropriate authorities and follow their instructions carefully. 

Or you can simply ask for our help, choosing the right service through our online platform.


Suppose you intend to use the certificate in a foreign country – a member of the Hague Apostille Convention. In that case, you will definitely need to get an apostille stamp in advance. It is the way to obtain international recognition for your certificates and other legal documents, including civil partnership certificates UK.

What is the main reason for getting your apostille stamp?

You might need an apostilled civil partnership certificate for various legal processes abroad, such as applying for visas, adoption proceedings, changing marital status, property ownership, and other legal matters that involve proving your civil partnership.

With an apostille attached to your civil partnership certificate, you generally won’t need to go through additional steps of legalisation or authentication in the destination country. The apostille itself is usually sufficient for acceptance.

Choose The Right Service

Pricing does not include solicitor or notary certification. We can provide this service at an additional cost.



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Timeframes are for guidance purposes only.



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Timeframes are for guidance purposes only.



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Must meet strict requirements set by FCO to qualify.

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